Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Natural way to boost your sex life

A good sex life doesn’t just happen – it requires a little help, which means a balanced and nutrients diet combined with regular moderate exercise and a positive attitude. These are all key elements in helping to keep your sex drive high and your reproductive system in good working order. It cannot be ignored that there are certain nutrients which have the power to regulate the levels of sex hormones in your body, and some can even help to protect your reproductive system from the potentially damaging effects of infection or disease.

For example:

A lack of zinc can cause infertility and impotence, and while moderate amounts of alcohol can help people to feel relaxed.

Caffeine in coffee, tea and cola drinks can reduce libido.

There are certain foods that are not only delicious but also contain the necessary nutrients to maintain your reproductive health and your libido. These will contribute to your healthy sexuality by maintaining your system in good condition, helping you to regulate your hormonal cycles and boosting your fertility. Besides, the fast pace of modern life leads to stress, tiredness and sometimes a lack of sexual energy. Foods indicated below can help to combat this.

1. Vitamin A :

Maintains the health of the epithelial tissues which line all the external and internal surfaces of the body, including the linings of the vagina and the uterus in women. Liver, egg, yolk, cheese, butter and carrots are good sources.

2. Vitamin B :

Deficiencies of both vitamin B2 and folic acid have been linked with infertility, and women planning a pregnancy should ensure that they eat plenty of foods rich in folic acid well before conception. Watercress is a particularly good source of folic acid. Lean meat, chicken, fish, wheatgerm, brewer’s yeast, beans and pulses, peanuts and bananas provide B6. These foods are all rich in folic acid. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and cabbage, liver, oranges, avocado, beetroot and broccoli are all rich in folic acid.

3. Vitamin C :

Increasing vitamin C intake may be helpful in boosting fertility, particularly for men; tests have shown that taking 500-1000 milligrams a day can increase the number and quality of sperm produced and reduce abnormalities. This vitamin may also help to prevent the condition known as ‘agglutination', in which the sperm becomes stuck together and are unable to reach the egg. All fruit and vegetables – particularly kiwi fruit, peppers, blackcurrants, strawberries and citrus fruits – contain abundant quantities of vitamin C.

4. Vitamin E :

A powerful antioxidant, vitamin E helps to protect the ova from damage. Sunflower, safflower oils and some vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, margarine, wheatgerm and avocados contain high levels. “

Article taken from

Friday, September 15, 2006


Vitamins are deadly! ...and other nonsense you will hear in the mainstream press

From Article "News on vitamins and their health benefits"

A new wave of anti-vitamin hysteria is making waves in newspapers, magazines and news networks around the world. You have may have seen some of the headlines that say things like, "Deadly side effects of vitamins," and imply that vitamins will kill you. Many conventional doctors and critics of nutrition are jumping on the bandwagon with this one, coming up with all sorts of distorted headlines that gleefully claim people are not just wasting their money by taking vitamins, but they're actually killing themselves by doing so. According to the reports, this is all based on a scientific study that proves vitamins kill you. But let's take a closer look at the real story here, and find out why there is so much distortion going on, and what the study results actually say.

First of all, realize there are several steps of distortions taking place here. What you're reading in the press is "...all nutritional supplements will increase your rate of mortality." That is such a broad and distorted statement as to be laughable. A slightly more accurate statement, but still highly distorted, would be that vitamins, not all nutritional supplements, are increasing the mortality rate -- that is, vitamins only.

Now you see, most people don't distinguish between vitamins and nutritional supplements. To most consumers, minerals like calcium and magnesium are also considered vitamins. But in the study there were certain vitamin chemicals that were studied, not other nutritional supplements, such as mineral supplements or superfood supplements.

But in reality, the study isn't even saying that vitamins are going to kill you in the first place. The study was conducted only on cancer patients, so the conclusion that was drawn really only indicated a slightly increased death rate among cancer patients, not among the entire population. Furthermore, it wasn't all vitamins, it was only certain vitamins; that is, a combination of vitamins A and E increased the death rate very slightly among certain cancer patients.

Finally, a critical review of these studies indicates that the vitamins actually studied here were almost universally synthetic vitamins, meaning they weren't actually natural vitamins at all. These are man-made chemicals that don't appear in nature. This is especially true of vitamin E, which, in its synthetic form, has the opposite molecular structure of natural vitamin E.

So, the correct statement here is that, "Synthetic chemicals were found to slightly increase the death rate among certain cancer patients." That is the conclusion of this study. It is such a weak conclusion, in fact, that the very authors of the study said there was "no convincing proof of hazard" for taking vitamin supplements. They also pointed out that the conclusions drawn from this study were of borderline statistical significance, and that many more studies would be needed to draw any conclusions.

So that's the reality of where the study comes from, yet critics of nutrition and vitamins and the popular press have leaped to ridiculous headlines like "Vitamins will kill you," or "Vitamins have deadly side effects." These headlines are entirely unsubstantiated by the research that has taken place. It almost seems as if certain members of the press and the conventional medical community are just waiting to pounce on news like this -- and then exaggerate it in order to discredit the vitamin and nutritional supplement industries. No doubt the FDA will be using this highly distorted conclusion to attempt to regulate vitamins, and by doing so, to ensure that more Americans stay diseased by being unable to treat and prevent diseases through the use of nutritional supplements that really work.

Another important note here is that there are far more studies that actually show positive statistical effects of taking antioxidants. In fact, there are probably well over 500 such studies that have been published in the past 30 years. That's versus one study that says there is a slight increase in the death rate among certain cancer patients who use synthetic chemicals.

So, if you're actually looking at a review of the available evidence, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the safety of antioxidants and vitamins, even in their synthetic form. Now, if they were to take these studies and use natural vitamins, the kind that appear in nature (such as in plants and microalgae like spirulina), there's no question whatsoever that the results would be not only statistically significant, but extremely positive. That's because antioxidants are health-enhancing ingredients, and they are part of the natural food chain that humans are supposed to consume.

One thing I do agree with in all of this is that people shouldn't be taking isolated vitamin nutrients in the first place. And if you are taking supplements from a bottle labeled "Vitamin A" or "Vitamin E," chances are you could be getting a synthetic form of that vitamin in your system, which, I agree, may not do you any good whatsoever.

We as human beings are supposed to be getting our vitamins from natural food sources; that is, plants you find in nature or that you can grow in your home garden. If you're getting your vitamins from superfoods and fresh produce, fruits, and vegetables, then you are going to be a healthy human being. Yet, at the same time, it's important to understand that it is impossible for any human being to get sufficient nutrition just by eating three meals a day.

You simply can't consume enough fruits and vegetables each day to get the nutrition your human body needs in order to effectively prevent chronic disease. That's because so many of the foods available today are nutritionally depleted. Thus, many consumers are turning to vitamin supplements. But that's a mistake -- what they need to be turning to are superfood supplements. These are supplements made from green foods, especially spirulina and astaxanthin. They could include green foods made from chlorella, broccoli sprouts, or wheat grass juice. These superfoods have very high nutrient density, and are absolutely loaded with vitamins and minerals in their natural, organic forms.

These superfoods exhibit an astounding positive impact on human health and have even been known to help reverse chronic disease conditions like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, mental disorders, and even bone diseases such as osteoporosis. You can't get that kind of positive effect from an isolated nutrient. It's impossible to reverse chronic disease by taking one pill a day that's made from a synthetic substance that happens to be labeled Vitamin A or Vitamin E.

What the popular press is doing here, and I think what the conventional medicine critics are attempting to do, is to blur the line between synthetic vitamins and natural vitamins -- that way they can discredit all of them at the same time. They're fond of using synthetic vitamins in clinical trials, and then saying, "See? These synthetic vitamins didn't work; therefore, all vitamins are bad."

And in fact, that is the kind of distorted logic that has taken place in this case. The press has been leaping to unjustified conclusions and dreaming up scary-sounding headlines that essentially deceive consumers and could scare people away from using nutritional supplements that actually enhance their health. The bottom line here is that vitamins won't kill you, but listening to the popular press probably will.


Natural Cure For Life Solution!

New Century Supplement replacement,

"Acai- the New Super-fruit "

Looking for more vitamins and minerals in your diet? Drinking acai juice every day could be the answer. The acai berry, a small black berry similar to a grape grown primarily in Brazil, is used in energy drinks and protein bars, and is now sold in a powder extract as a vitamin supplement.

This berry has been proven to help enhance mental alertness, and can even improve memory. But, what other properties does this delicious and extremely healthy fruit possess? How can the acai berry enhance one’s physical and mental well being? Here is some information about the acai berry, where you can purchase the fruit, and nutrition facts that make the acai berry so good for you.

Antioxidant and nutritional properties of acai

The acai berry has a very high amount of antocianine, a substance that helps the body fight of free radicals, or toxic substances in the environment, like cigarette smoke, smog and harmful particles in the air. Antocianine also helps lower cholesterol levels, so it’s recommended that individuals with the risk for heart disease or high blood pressure consume foods rich in antocianine every day. This substance is also found in the grape, which is why many doctors and health professionals recommend a glass of red wine a day to rid the body of toxins. However, acai has 33 times more antocianine than the grape, even though the two fruits are similar in color and size. Additional antioxidants, like vitamin C and E, are also found in the acai berry, and the calcium and potassium found in the fruit can help to ease menstrual pain and prevent osteoporosis.

Other fruits and juices that possess great antioxidant properties, like noni juice or mangosteen, are not nearly as potent as acai. Acai berries have six times more antioxidant power, and also contain vitamins B1, B2, and B3.

Acai berries are also very high in fiber, which helps to reduce cholesterol and can help to prevent colon cancer, and has as much protein as one egg. The berries contain Omega-3 fatty acids as well, which can help to improve skin health and increase protein levels. Amino acids and trace minerals are contained in the berry, too, and these substances help to improve muscle concentration and regeneration

(Acai- the New Super-fruit by Tamiya King August 02, 2005)

The Most recommended fruit juice blend of the New Century, Monavie

The crown jewel in the MonaVie formula is the acai berry. MonaVie is a 100% whole fruit blend, NOT made from concentrate. It contains NO artificial flavors or colors, and has no added sweeteners.

Ingredients: Reconstituted puree from a proprietary blend of fruits from around the world including: Acai Fruit, White Grape, Nashi Pear, Acerola, Pear, Aronia, Purple Grape, Cranberry, Passion Fruit, Banana, Apricot, Prune, Kiwi, Blueberry, Bilberry, Camu Camu, Wolfberry, Pomegranate, Lychee Fruit, Citric Acid, Natural Flavor, Sodium Benzoate.

Each fruit and each portion were selected for their specific and known benefits. Their synergistic effect reaches far beyond what any single fruit could accomplish.

As we all know, it's difficult to get the proper amounts and varieties of fruits in our daily diet. Rather than a banana here or an apple there, MonaVie will provide you with the right kinds and right amounts of the world's finest fruits. By drinking one to two ounces per day, you'll begin to enjoy the health enhancing properties of the world's finest phyto-nectar fruit blend.

More Info on Acai Berry.... Login to

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